En décrivant un style naturel, adapté et opposé, il est possible de comprendre la vraie personnalité et les zones de tensions possibles pour chacun. Nous possédons tous un assemblage unique des quatre couleurs traduisant les différentes manières dont chacun approche les problèmes ou objectifs (rouge), la relation aux autres (jaune), les changements de rythme (vert) ainsi que les procédures et contraintes (bleu).

Your natural style
It represents your own style, the one you develop when you don't need to make any effort, adapt or when under the influence of stress or emotion, you return to your natural self... This style is your behavioural anchor, your stable base which will of course evolve, but step by step. 

Your adapted style
It describes the style adapted to your environment, the one you produce to make a social effort. It is the style you let people around you read. It is the style you think is most effective in meeting your needs and, in your opinion, the expectations of others.

Your opposite style
This represents the style that is furthest from yours, the one you develop least, and often your discomfort zone. It may also characterise the type of personality or the type of situation with which you have the most difficulty. (The 4Colors PRO profile is the only profile that shows you the opposite profile)

Getting a personality profile

To make your personality profile, you just have to choose it directly on our test space to discover your main colour for free or to opt for a complete profile: profil4colors.com

Work on your personality profile

Reread your profile

This profile is a reflection of your answers, given at a given time in your life, in a specific context. Human behaviour is far too complex to be definitively categorised. This profile therefore describes tendencies and attitudes of comfort that you frequently adopt. No judgement is made: it is up to each person to optimise his or her own personality profilé by building on his or her strengths and defining the areas of progress that seem to be a priority.

Take the time to reread it and underline the terms that resonate with you. Discuss it with your friends, relatives, colleagues, with your consultant if you are taking part in a seminar. They will give you their perception, which is essential for any progress.

2. Set your goals for progress

Only you can decide to change certain character traits. Here are some reasons to change that might tempt you:
- To become more effective in certain blocked situations (job progression, decision making, conflict management).
- To communicate better with people who are important to you (your children? your spouse? your boss?).
- Because you are asked to do so or are criticised for your behaviour.
- Because you know how to question yourself and seek to improve.
- To learn and grow again, quite simply.

It is in your opposite profile that the main margins of progress are to be found. This opposite style represents your discomfort zone with situations or individuals. By following the tips, you will be able to understand how people who are the most distant from you function.
Your opposite style is the maximum score of negative responses in a colour. It is more pronounced the higher your negative score in the same colour. If the scores of the four colours are very close, the behavioural colour of your interlocutors does not represent, a priori, a blocking factor in the relationship and communication.